
Thank you for your interest in joining the Glen Cove PBA Pistol Range! You do not need to be a resident of Glen Cove to join. Please read the directions below to begin the process of joining our range.



For our Guest Policy / Registration – Please use the guest form

Step 1

Please download the Rules and Regulations, and physically initial and sign them. The initialed/signed document must be scanned / photographed for uploading in the “Supporting Documents” section at the end of the e-form below.

Step 2

Obtain a electronic copy of your valid pistol / rifle permit (i.e. scan or legible photograph), and a passport / profile photograph for your keycard. These documents will be uploaded in the “Supporting Documents” section below. If you are only applying for a rifle membership, the pistol license upload field will not appear. If you are a range officer, please have an electronic copy of your range officer certification as well for uploading.

Step 3

Fill out all fields in the e-form below.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Step 1 of 2

Personal Information

Please enter a valid birthdate.
Must match with Legal Address!
Legal Address

Membership Info

Supporting Documents

Please upload the following required documentation to complete the application process!
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload a current profile / passport photo for your range ID card.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload a copy of your initialized rules and regulations page.


If you have a class discount code, please enter it here!

Signed Statement

By signing this application, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the rules, regulations, and policies of the Glen Cove PBA Pistol and Rifle Association. I understand that the primary purpose of my membership is to allow for convenient access to the facility primarily for firearms instruction and training but that occasional social/recreational activities may be held. I also give the Glen Cove PBA Pistol and Rifle Association permission to collect information regarding the validity of my United States citizenship, criminal record, and pistol permit information. I have also answered all questions truthfully and to the best of my knowledge.

I understand that any false statements made herein will result in immediate termination of my membership and I may be reported to the appropriate governmental authorities for investigation and/or possible prosecution for wrongdoing under applicable law.

Clear Signature